So the navy claims they overpaid me 1100 dollar-o's when I got out. Im looking for ideas or what not about wheather I shoud give a damn. I can afford it, but I'll be damned if I want to. The interest rate is 1.00 percent a month if I dont pay and the amount will likely come out of my tax return. So instead of getting a little back, Ill probally owe some come april. They might put a lean on my unemployment, since its a goverment debt, although that may not be legal. They claim they overpaid me and that I took to much leave. Thing is, I have an O-6 that signed off on me taking those 2 plus days of leave, along with a whatchmacall it money sheet they used to give us so I think I can knock a couple hundred dollars off the grand total If I ring them up. It also looks like they write off any total debt owed below $225, so I can probally just stop paying them at that point. I got a lawyer friend out there and I think Im going to give him a ring and see if he can start some shit....
How many fuc-um's do I have out there?
Post Scriptum: Man...or astroman = Mars Volta + Hard edged Surf ----> Wailin' Good Time