At the prompting of that which is noise in the void, I am going to post my proud little puppy of a truck up here. I grabbed it from a strange man with a large dog in the little town/hamlet of woodenvillie, a land I recommend to all of you militia enthusiasts. The above pic is a kind shot in good lighting that I, as a profesional photographalater, am very proud of. Notice the tint the filter I placed over my brand new Nikun 65ILS. The hobo that sold me the camera told me to always use it when I want to really bring out the color of clear. I bought the truck for the market value. The largest and most glaring defect is a leak in the exhaust manifold, which I've found can apparently be repaired by a large wad of chewing gum or, and this according to Bob, my camera salesman/automotorgomachiner, golpher semen. Strange, but true. And this is the end. this is the end, my friend. Da Da Dah....