Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Cosmo Kramer Goes Berserk!

Recently, our quirky friend Michael Richards a.k.a. Cosmo Kramer from the sitcom 'Seinfeld' let his outrage rage out while doing stand up comedy. As this video shows, 'Kramer' loses it as someone in the audience heckles him, he then goes on to use racial epithets unapologetically through out his rant as the audience slowly begins to leave the show. Later, 'Kramer' appears on 'The Late Night Show with David Letterman' and apologizes for his behavior on stage. Now folks, it's only human to lose it every once in a while, so why not look at this man's face and ask ourselves the question 'Is this the face of a man I can stay mad at?'. He may not be 'Stand Up Comedy' funny but he's definitely 'Whoa man, this guy's flipping out!' funny.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

STOP wasting your time!

Jobs are for pussies and communists! And both these types of people either suck donkey dick or stomp on babies, and at times I'm sure they do both at the same time. Anyway, recently our good friend staticnothing (doug) brought my attention to an awesome blog/article blog, I think everyone should read this and spread it around a bit. Live the Life and be Free!