Friday, December 09, 2005
You see,Theo....
For those tuned into the House of cosby internet fad-tastic, the 5th episode is out there in the wide open wow now, with some other nifty little tidbits here: . For those of you not in the know, it is one of the funniest flash cartoon series ever. I envy you, sweet innocents.
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Wild fucking weekend!
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Im looking for some firepower....
How many fuc-um's do I have out there?
Post Scriptum: Man...or astroman = Mars Volta + Hard edged Surf ----> Wailin' Good Time
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Grammarians- unite! and take over!
Alas, the famed inelocution of the colored community, in the litany of the white man, has persistently haunted us. How wrong indeed are those perceptions! Base, dark hue, but bright we be! How ill I become, you can imagine, to see members of our own ranks perpetuating this myth. Fie! Twenty anus-kisses shall grace the lips of the offending parties.
I beseech thee and thine own to curb your appetites for the vulgar and the typo. Failing this, I will call for a censure of those who persist, like a plague of damn'd sperm-locusts, to make good use of the spell check function and rudimentary- not to mention courteous- grammar.
Shame on a nigga.
Boogie Woogie!
What cu' talkin' bout, Walker?
It's good to know that the esteemed BIGBIGLOADER can take the punch of my flower power with nary a flinch at the extreme sarcasm implicite in my diction. I can once again sleep well during the day, knowing the dragons of literarcy have been slain and the princess' of the mushroom kingdom are safe once again from the twin evils of the dictionary and thesures. In summation, eat a dick.
Brandon is inbound
Now imagine if it moved
Alright. This flame war has to stop. I cant take this overwhelming division in the ranks of brownetown anymore. This is tearing us apart. If I have to step up and qualify the preceding nights events and be the bigger man, I will.
I left an open general invite for hanging out, possibly for the purpose of playing pool with some like minded souls' of my aquantiance. Hours pass with neither a conformation or denouncement of my invite offer. Then, after adjuorning to my bedcamber for some well earned rest after an intense and overwhelming day of saving the goddamn universe from itself, I am assualted and libeled by the might of browntowne. I must say, I am astounded at the out right audacity of a couple of members rudeness when their seinfieldin pop-in tactics failed to illict my wakeing up from deep, restful slumber. The attempt was half assed, I say. There was no pounding on my windows, or loud screaming or thuding rocks. I live on the first floor of an apartment building that could be, and has, been broken into by a group of inept spider monkeys. A couple of phone calls and buzzings does not a "lets go" make.
I, Samson, call for the end of these undeserved and unprovoked acqusations.