1) The ship has cancelled all terminal leave while we're on deployment. Doesn't it seem like while you're 9000 miles from home that's the time you need terminal leave the most? How are we expected to fly back and immediatly have jobs/homes lined up after being gone for more than 5 months? Blech, the Navy is no good.
2)Colleges have as much if not more red tape than the military I've been trying to call people and do applications for various places, but all of them seem pretty disinterested. I mean, I thought they were businesses too? Good luck Sam on getting your chef-fery going. You'd have better luck buying a book and some supplies. Just have to find a way to make the Nav pay for it
3)Izzy had surgery I know he won't update it himself, but not Izzy has gotten the same lasik i had and we're both enjoying the benefits. Except his include codine right now...
4)Pre-deployment enjoyment We're all drinking and everything getting ready to go out. We won't all be there, but at least we can all party now, right?
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