Saturday, May 30, 2009

Lying about books is a skill provides this useful guide for lying about books that you've read. They concentrate on scifi books, so using this hopefully I can pretend that I've read any number of Ursula Le Guin books next time I hang out with Sam and this subject (inevitably) comes up.

"Rule #5: Remember Titus Alone:
Sometimes your only recourse is to out-lit-nerd your opponent, to bring up something they haven’t read. For this, there’s no better ammunition than the third book of the Gormenghast series. Why? Because no one has ever read it. Not even Mervyn Peake himself. He wrote it while drunk in the late 1950s and couldn’t remember a word. His editor supposedly cut big parts of it, but the truth is he just didn’t read it. They printed it anyway since there was a paper surplus that year. The person who wrote the wikipedia page is guessing."


BilkyBadass said...

I of course recommend reading some of her books. The left hand of darkness comes to mind. Its a mix of gender bending and outdoor survival. very nice. Her Dispossessed was an interesting take on an anarchistic society, while her lathe of heaven is just plain warped. A man who literally dreams reality into existence, and the man who would control him. Go TOR(the onion router? no, the publisher) that shit up, man.

staticnothing said...

Interesting, maybe I will have to check some of those out. You would probably be disappointed in my selection, but I've already decided on some sci fi to be reading. All of the Jules Vernes are in the public domain, so I was thinking about reading them all in order. I know not really your favorite "science fiction" as they're pretty outdated.