All you have to do is join a little pyramid scheme called quixtar. Also known as Amway. This cunt rag son of bitch calls me up a few weeks ago and I blow it off as irrelevance. I'm not exactly close to my extended family. They are basicly people I know that I'm vaguely related to. So I'm not really looking to hang out or anything. Well, I get a new message today so I say fuck it, and call him back I'm talking to this guy I haven't seen in about 2 years and he tells me he has an internet business opputunity with a steady income. I ask what it is. He tells me he cant explain it over the phone and tells me there is a meeting up in Everett I'm invited to.I laugh it off, as I consider my Everett moratorium to still be in effect. So I ask him for a name to look it up and he tells me. and here I am. Two very informative websites later, thinking of hoping a bus to Everett just so I can beat this guys head in for preying on the weak family alliance I have to help him get out of the shit hole he dug for himself. And this guys a Mormon to boot. Nice Jesus action all around.