I haven't posted about my life in a while so I thought it would be a good idea to do so. Let us start with the basics. I'm using linux at the moment, largly becasue I caused windows to shit itself while, guess what, playing with linux. There isnt anyway to get windows back without dropping a benny on the software, as they didnt include a windows cd with the system i bought. Cheap ass bastards. If anyone wants to send me a copy of windows, let me know. My IM at the moment is bilkybadass on aol and fenix527 on yahoo.
Anyway, besides the hellish learning curve with this piece of shit, I have applied ot the art institute of seattle's cooking program. It looks like Ill be going this summer,starting july 11th for about a year at a rough cost of 15,000. I'd be happy to go though and tell any of ya'll what this has involved, but as I'm not completely done yet it will be something of a crap shoot. I look foward to learning how to cook, but I doubt I'll pursue it as job path. I'm more interested in looking into moleculaur gastrony, which is a food science based on desinging food conbo's on molecualr compisiton vice old school wisdom. WHite choclate and pinecones work well together apparently. Anyone wanna get some white choclate and lysol and let me know?ANyhow,I think learning to cook will also be a useful skill to have, so Im basiclly at the fuck it, I'll go stage in my education. I'm thinking I'll do this shit for a while, and then head onto the UofW for a looksy into there cybernetics or distributing computing program. or something. We'll see in a year or so.
I have succeded in my desire to stay unemployed for the past year, and am so far only in about 2 grand of debt, half of which is due to the navy. Fuckers. THe time has come however where after I get my school hours straight I'll likely get a part time job somewhere. Any Ideas or tips from you guys who are actually employed would be cool. And Matt, I heard about you ghetting dogged by gammon. I'm more than willing to help you find him and cut out his throat. With a wooden spoon, preferably. Fucker still owes my 15 bucks and a cartoon of smokes 5 years later. Time to collect, one way or another.
I'm still looking to write some short speculative ficiton, as my previous post shows. I dont have anymore offerings right now but I got some shit brewing in the back of my mind. I want to write something about neo-luddites bring pigeons back as an email replacement somehow. Or just about the madness of the group in trying. Maybe Ill blow that story up in the previous post. Blah.
I have nothing else at the moment, so Im outty 5000.
P.S. Somebody call Spink and add him to this thing. I think he's worthy.
Update: I've found some copies of windows on the pirate bay, so i'm going to give that a shot. A shot in the dark to be sure.
Dude, is that your car?! Sweet!
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