Friday, December 09, 2005

You see,Theo....

For those tuned into the House of cosby internet fad-tastic, the 5th episode is out there in the wide open wow now, with some other nifty little tidbits here: . For those of you not in the know, it is one of the funniest flash cartoon series ever. I envy you, sweet innocents.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Wild fucking weekend!

This was probably one of the wildest weekends I've ever had. I can only describe it as "FEAR AND LOATHING AT ROY'S". I think I was near death a few times. I talked to a cat and saw gorillas building weapons. Great weekend, however, I'm not sure I'd want to do it again.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Im looking for some firepower....

So the navy claims they overpaid me 1100 dollar-o's when I got out. Im looking for ideas or what not about wheather I shoud give a damn. I can afford it, but I'll be damned if I want to. The interest rate is 1.00 percent a month if I dont pay and the amount will likely come out of my tax return. So instead of getting a little back, Ill probally owe some come april. They might put a lean on my unemployment, since its a goverment debt, although that may not be legal. They claim they overpaid me and that I took to much leave. Thing is, I have an O-6 that signed off on me taking those 2 plus days of leave, along with a whatchmacall it money sheet they used to give us so I think I can knock a couple hundred dollars off the grand total If I ring them up. It also looks like they write off any total debt owed below $225, so I can probally just stop paying them at that point. I got a lawyer friend out there and I think Im going to give him a ring and see if he can start some shit....

How many fuc-um's do I have out there?

Watch your dicks gentlemen. The great white Satan wants them wholesale

Post Scriptum: Man...or astroman = Mars Volta + Hard edged Surf ----> Wailin' Good Time