Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Bush plays a game

Funny shit if you remember the old text based games. Think Zork. Nerd up, yo.

Get this Thang!

Best god damned game I've played in a long time. Fallout 2. Free for the download to the crafty and Illict among us.

Ride the Snake!

Fuck ya! Chuck Norris is the hero! All others are reduced to zero! Delta force willl kill your horse!! Chuck Norris! Chuck Norris! Chuck Norris Ho!

P.S.Read the top 30. I shat myself some

Here's a taste
Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried.

Chuck Norris can touch MC Hammer.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

A New Year, A New Hope

We've entered 2006, and I believe this is going to be the year of changes. The rest of browne towne is going to be making the transition from military to normal life. Sam might make the transition from unemployment to being a productive member of society. The great diaspora will come to it's fulfillment. It's going to be quite an experience, but I'm sure only good things will come of it all. Just some thoughts. Don't let browne towne die. Keep posting and keep in touch.