Sunday, November 16, 2008

Mini-reactors!? that's awesome....!

So apparently, a company called Hyperion Power Generation (HPG) is marketing small reactors (only 1.5 m across) that can power up to 20,000 homes at a cost of only $25 million. That's a steal. Anyway, they sound pretty confident their "Hyperion Power Modules" are fool proof. These power modules will be safe underground and guarded, according to their website. I'm sure someone will manage to screw something up somehow though.


staticnothing said...

That is a pretty good deal at like $1250 per household. Though there would probably be plenty of upkeep/maintenance cost. Those gauges don't just watch themselves (or... do they?)

Quoudten said...

I think their site states only minimal maintenance would be required, I guess they're designed pretty damn well, who knows...

Mista Hezekiah said...

I've done a little investigation: apparently the idea behind the mini reactors is loosely rooted in the Pokemon philosophy- gotta catch 'em all.